Latin American Motorcycle Association, Inc.


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RESPECT    |    LOYALTY    |    DUTY    |    HONOR

You're in great company!

Welcome and thanks for visiting!  We know how busy you are so here's a spot where you can hang out for a few to easily and quickly find the information you want.  

The first part of our story

In 1977, Mario Nieves started L.A.M.A. in Chicago, Illinois to be an organization made up of people from around the globe who value family, have a passion for motorcycling, and know the importance of riding safely.  Mario had an idea that kept growing and today there are over 170 L.A.M.A. chapters in the world.   We're proud that the Annapolis, MD chapter is one of them.

Whether you ride, are looking for a biking family, or just stopped by out of curiosity, we're glad you're here!

Learn more.

L.A.M.A. founder, Mario Nieves (Story #1) and L.A.M.A. long-timer, Mike Ramos (Story #3) give glimpses into their passion for riding in this Harley-Davidson® commercial.  L.A.M.A. Annapolis Chapter wishes to thank Rommel Harley-Davidson® , Annapolis, MD  for all the support it has given us!